Waterline Renewal Technologies

Who Has Time To Dig?

Who Has Time To Dig

Tampa, anyone driving around our fast paced, tantric city can see that there is a lot of digging going on. Have heard of Perma-Liner Trenchless Technology? This is an innovative “no dig” technology to rehab old, rotten pipe-lining or mundane manholes. With all of the construction on our roads and highways in Tampa, let’s stop digging! This causes significant damage to Tampa’s infrastructure, costly repairs and horrific traffic jams! Do yourself and Tampa, a favor and call Perma-Liner today for a live demonstration. If you are a contractor or a municipality this is a must see! Call Perma-Liner now at 866-336-2568 or visit our website at www.perma-liner.com. Tampa, if you want a break from the Florida heat come visit us on our Perma-Liner US Tour in Louisville, Kentucky, Wednesday, August 13, 2014. Registration in FREE! Details on our website www.perma-liner.com.

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Who Has Time To Dig
Who Has Time To Dig
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