Waterline Renewal Technologies

Tampa Has Dedication to Sewer Adherence- and A Pelican Brief

The Greater Tampa Bay area has been proactively maintaining the sewer systems by investing largely in order to minimize sewer overflows. Multi-million dollar rehabilitation projects are scheduled to bring the sewer system up to date. The process will be ongoing throughout this year and beyond and will involve a collective effort among city workers and residents to complete. The maintenance will include sealing pipes and manholes to reduce rainwater inflow and groundwater infiltration in the collection system, as well as accommodating for heavy rain by increasing the capacity and tolerance of the water infrastructures. This comprehensive strategy will address the many facets intended to keep the sewer system cohesive. Several community awareness events will also be scheduled to ensure adequate communication and participation in keeping the systems functioning at the best level. As hurricane season begins, Tampa is making revisions to the sewer system while at the same avoiding a repeat of last season’s sewer woes.

Another most recent concern for the city is the pelicans that have been found in harm’s way. The situation is being evaluated with a presumption that the birds suffered a toxic reaction from possible Red Tide- a harmful algal bloom. Because Red Tide can also be a symptom stemming from sewer overflows, further analysis is needed to confirm how the pelicans took ill. Currently, more weight is being placed on the Pelicans contracting botulism. Pelicans frequent inland and coastal waters where they feed primarily on fish, catching them at or near the water’s surface. This is the suspected cause for their recent demise.

Tampa, you’re invited!! Perma-Liner Industries requests your attendance at our Open House in Anaheim, CA. It’s taking place for three days from June 13th –June 15th and we want to see you there! It’ll be chock-full of live demonstrations and information on all of the CIPP technology available. Don’t miss this! Call us to confirm your reservation @ 1-866-336-2568

Perma Liner Industries

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