Waterline Renewal Technologies

Tampa, Don’t Flush It!

Sewer officials in Hillsborough County, have seen this way too often and refer to the flushable wipes as insidious and a costly nuisance.  Tampa taxpayers are paying for emergency maintenance to keep sewers from overflowing into streets and homes. Hillsborough County alone, paid $195,000 during the past two years just to battle the insidious clogs.

The flushable wipe manufacturers insist their wipes aren’t the culprit, authorities here say the increase in clogs came with an increase in marketing of the popular product during the past five years. The adding of more plastic to the wipes have made them sturdier and more likely to clog sewer pipelining,

Sewer agencies in several states are blaming premoistened wipes for clogging their pipes.  This year, a 15-ton glob of wipes and hardened cooking grease appropriately named “Fatberg” by the Brits, was discovered in a London sewer pipe.

[box type=”info”] Sewer authorities, want people to follow a simple rule: Flush only human waste and toilet paper. Tampa, if you have a clogged or broken sewer issue call Perma-Liner at 866-336-2568 or visit our website at www.perma-liner.com.[/box]

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