Sewer Repair Tampa. We were called out to a local Tampa area elementary school to take a look at their sewer pipe that needed repair. This sewer pipe ran directly underneath one side of the Tampa school – excavation would have been very destructive and the only time to repair this sewer pipe would have been over summer break. Although the Tampa weather was a mild 60 degrees the day of the sewer repair, we added hot water for a quicker cure time. Within a few hours, the line had been cleaned, televised and repaired using the Perma-Lateral air inversion system. If you live in the Tampa area, and would like to see a live demonstration, call us any time!

[box type=”info”]If you live in Tampa or the surrounding areas and have questions on the Perma-Liner™ products, please call us at anytime. 1-866-336-2568[/box]