Waterline Renewal Technologies

Perma Liner Trailer Packages

Perma-Liner™ Industries, Inc. designs and builds Perma-Lateral™ lining installation trailers for ease of storage, inventory and operation. The Perma-Lateral™ materials and equipment need to be stored in a safe place away from objects that might puncture or contaminate the liner and/or resin materials. We believe the Perma-Lateral™ lining installation trailer will allow your crew to store materials safely, keep proper inventory of materials and equipment, and maintain needed components. Each trailer is self contained including 5500 watt generator, 9 cfm air compressor among other necessary tools and equipment to be productive and cost effective on every project! Inventory control can be completed with minutes inside the Perma-Lateral Lining Trailer while outside your moving billboard will attract potential clients. This is by far the most cost effective piece of equipment for Perma-Lateral™ installers.

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