Waterline Renewal Technologies

Perma-Liner Reaching For Tampa!

The City of Tampa wastewater department receives 50 gallons of raw sewage at the Howard F Curen Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (AWTP).This raw sewage ranges from different areas of Tampa and surrounding suburbs and The City of Tampa does well at exceeding the treated levels for wastewater.  Meeting the expectations of National Pollutant Discharge Eliminate System standards no problem!  City of Tampa will also help and fix what blockage issues a homeowner or business owner may encounter. Good news City of Tampa! Perma- Liner a 15 year old company right here in the Tampa bay area is here to assist Municipalities in saving time, labor, and money of taxpayers! Using trenchless technology, Perma-Liner can help save about 57% the cost of what replacement pipes would cause in such instances like blockages. Perma-Liner offers certified training to city workers to ensure professional training when out in the field. Perma-Liner offers easy, money-saving and labor saving no dig techniques such as Sewer Lateral Lining repairs and Point Repairs. With Perma-Liner’s help municipalities like City of Tampa can bi- pass burdening permits and get the job done in no time! No only exceeding the standards of the NPDES but also the homeowners, business owners and families right here in Tampa!


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