Farmers Crops Ruined Due To Broken Sewer Pipe! In the Tampa area farmers and homeowners of Hilsborough County were being subjected to many of gallons of raw sewage by the minute due to a broke sewer pipe! This sewer pipe has broken three times now! Devastating and disgusting families and farmers of Hillsborough County. When this 20 inch pipe broke the first two times it is was if someone turned on a faucet. Gushing full throttle over 2 million gallons of sewage, that’s everything that goes down everybody’s toilets and sinks into a local creek a total of three times now. Local farmers lost 40,000 worth of crop the first time and now totally to 80,000 worth of crops ruined! Perma-Liner offers a range of “trenchless” repair techniques from 2″ to 102″ pipe diameters! A careful blend of established practices and new technology allows Perma-Liner to exercise a unique degree of versatility. Insuring pipes 50+ years more of life and making the pipe stronger than before! Making that 20 inch “three times a charm crop ruining” sewer pipe a piece of Sweet Potato Pie! Perma-Liner remains at the forefront of the pipe repair rehabilitation markets for sanitary and storm sewer applications. If you live in Tampa and would like to learn more about pipe lining and how it can save you thousands, call us any time!

[box type=”bio”]For more information on Perma-Liner Pipelining Products, please visit us on the web. We are the trenchless pipelining experts. On our website we have a full range of pipelining products, pipelining equipment, and pipelining materials. You can check out our: PERMA-LATERAL AIR INVERSION system, PERMA-LATERAL PULL IN PLACE pipelining system, INNERSEAL INNERWRAP pipelining system, PERMA-MAIN system, SECTIONAL POINT REPAIR pipelining system, and our amazing PERMA-PATCH lining system. If you have any questions, you can contact one of our pipelining experts and we will answer your questions very quickly! You can also apply to become a certified Perma-Liner pipelining installer on our website. Check out our Perma-Liner U.S. Tour as well. Thanks for visiting one of our pipelining blogs![/box]