Waterline Renewal Technologies

Last 2014 Open House!

2014 Is Coming To A Close

Tampa, this year has went by faster than a speeding bullet! To end the year with a bang, Perma-Liner Industries is hosting the last Open House of the year on December 9th and 10th 2014. Tampa, this gives Contractors, Municipalities, and Technicians the opportunity to have hands on experience with our new technology.  Breakfast and Lunch will be provided. To register please call Perma-Liner at 866-336-2568 or visit our website at www.perma-liner.com.

[button link=”https://waterlinerenewal.com/perma-liner/contact.php” type=”big” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] Visit our website here[/button]

Last 2014 Open House
2014 Is Coming To A Close

Perma-Liner Industries is the leader in trenchless technology.  We specialize in manufacturing the equipment needed to repair underground pipelines without expensive excavation.  We are the leading provider of drain lateral lining and main line sectional point repair products in the world. Visit our blogs often for the latest news and events on Perma-Liner Industries and our state of the art technology!

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